Membership Application Membership Application Step 1 of 6 16% Joint Membership £16, Sole £10 Payment details will be sent upon acceptanceApplicant 1 Name(Required) First Last Applicant 2 Name First Last Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City County Postcode Email(Required) Phone(Required) Proposer Name(Required) President: Reyna Knight Chairman: Bill Nixon Hon Secretary: Chris Walker Hon Treasurer: Jennis Moseley Breed Officer: Dave Beeton Health Co-Ordinator: Rachael Abbott Marketing Officer: Claire Boston Smithson Herding Officer: Steve Poole General Committee: Al Simmons Note: The Proposer must be a Committee Member of BCUK.Date Proposed(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY How proposed: The BergamascoHave you ever owned a Bergamasco?(Required) Yes No Do you still own one?(Required) Yes No Have you ever met one?(Required) Yes No Where?(Required) Your Bergamasco(s) Name(s):(Required) Your Bergamasco(s) Age(s):(Required) Your Bergamasco(s) Breeder(s):(Required) Please tell us what other dogs you have in your household:(Required) Please tell us what your interest in the Bergamasco breed is?(Required)Please tell us if you have any Show Ring experience and/or any Breeding experience and qualification (i.e. Assured Breeder)(Required) Do you wish to be placed provisionally on the Bergamasco Puppy Waiting List?(Required) Yes No Please note: A full vetting process is normally done by the Club, and then finalised by the pup’s Breeder once a litter is confirmed and before any commitment to sell a pup is made.Would you consider a rescue Bergamasco or one which needs rehoming?(Required) Yes No What skills could you offer BCUK to help take us forward (e.g. catering, IT)Please note: Submission of this membership application form implies intent to become a Full Member of the Club. Application are subject to Committee approval. Club Code of Ethics and Principles and Constitution will be sent to Members on their acceptance into the Club. Δ