Mission & Vision

Bergamasco Club UK – Mission Statement

To promote the Bergamasco, by supporting responsible breeding and the ownership of healthy dogs. To support our members with life-long care for their dogs and to bring the breed to a wider audience which includes representation at shows and dog lover exhibitions. To safeguard this wonderful breed and to be its custodians for future generations.

updated : 3 July 2023

Bergamasco Club UK – Our Five Year Vision

  1. We will build up the number of dogs being shown by members, through encouraging breeders to discuss showing with new owners and by educating members about the benefits of showing their dogs. This, alongside attendance of dog lover exhibitions will help raise the profile of the breed, and help judges become familiar with the correct characteristics, and improve the overall standard of dogs in the UK.
  2. We will research and appoint a JFC qualified Breed Education Co-ordinator/Breed Liaison Officer (who may or may not be a Club Member), as per Kennel Club requirements and to assist them with delivering seminars to judges in order to fulfil the role. We will provide educational material on the Kennel Club breed standard and will curate and liaise on the breed standard using breed seminars and the Club’s marketing tools, also in collaboration with international breed clubs.
  3. We will launch a Health Survey across our membership, which will add to our existing knowledge, and build up a more detailed health library of all UK dogs and subsequently, by working with overseas kennels, we will be fully aware of any genetic (physical and temperament characteristics) or other health issues and whether any additional health checks will need to be introduced.
  4. We will work with owners to explore the natural herding behaviours of their dogs, by providing guidance on working trials and contacts with specialist trainers. This will show off the dogs in their natural element and help to enhance their showing credentials on the international circuit. The Herding Officer will be supported by research which will provide information on small holdings and working dogs federations.
  5. We will work with Kennel Club approved organisations to create a pathway for implementing a school therapy dog programme including the vetting, training and qualifications required to volunteer Bergamascos as therapy dogs in schools to provide a therapeutic learning experience. Ascertain whether Bergamascos with these qualifications and experience can also be similarly used in care homes, palliative care settings, veteran organisations, hospitals, and many other specialist institutions.
  6. We will create a breeding policy and associated breeder membership, which will give access to the club’s waiting list and specific guidance, training and support for those wishing to breed future generations of Bergamascos. This will improve the owner experience by providing consistent guidance to breeders, helping them provide continuous support of members through the whole life of the dog. We will work to ensure that dogs are bred to the standard.
  7. We will work to ensure that all dogs are Kennel Club registered to their owners, by encouraging breeders to give the right assistance on the registration of their pups. Information on the registration process to new owners is to be provided in the breeder pack. This will benefit the breed by ensuring the Kennel Club has accurate information on the number of dogs and benefit the owner by recording clear ownership in the event the dog is lost.
  8. We will enhance our web and social media properties by continually providing quality content, which is informative, educational, and fun. We will be fully transparent about how we operate by regularly reviewing and updating our rules, policies and expected standards and conduct of members, which will be published on our website, always emphasising our four principles of fairness, openness, unambiguity and respect.

updated: 3 July 2023